I shouldn't have to click like over
And over
On a page to prove
I believe in gays and god
And how much I love my mom
And how I'm saying a prayer
For the one who got publicity
For the disease she couldn't control
Yet the others are forgotten
Because at first it was ok
A like to avoid it coming for you
In the dark
A click to avoid responsibility
And a tap to make up for the sins
Committed with your pride
Envy jealousy
In this technology filled world
What is sitting behind a screen
Clicking a button to like a picture
Going to do?
Is it better than starting a petition
A strike
A movement?
Any movement
Any force?
Since when have we let the clicks
Become how we choose to change
And save a world
Hellbent on it's own destruction
Because were clicking and clicking This mechanical sound all we know
And were losing that feeling
Of human connection
As we become connected
To a screen with it's
UV reflections reflecting
Off our eyes that only glow with the artificial sunlight
Because the light in our eyes
Is starting to slowly subside
And the flaw in our programming
Is that were being programmed
As if we are machinery ourselves
And we are as we sit and click click
Click to save that child from abuse
Click to punch that abuser of a child
Click click click to like that pic
To say what you mean
To hide who you are to spread a hateful vendetta
You don't even believe
Click as your mind is poisoned by others opinions
And yours fade into the background
Click as your life becomes nothing more than click
Click click your fingers
Because that's what you've learned
That's all you know how to do
Now were face to face talking
And I won't shut up
Click you say
Yet I don't cease to speak
Click click click
You continue to tap me
Looking for the power down
Shut off switch that won't appear
Click your getting frustrated
Click click it's not working
You're terrified
Because all you know how to do
Suddenly isn't good enough
It's not enough to click click
A person out of existence
When their very presence
Is as solid as the clicks you've become addicted to
This click becoming my generations new obsession
Click click click
It's the infection
And the cure doesn't exist
As this virus spreads
Multiplies because more technology
Is created
Click click click
Where does this infection stop infecting us
With the thoughts that aren't our own
With feelings we don't comprehend
But yet it doesn't matter
Because our addiction
Is addicting as we click
Our primary instinct to survive and connect
So we
Click click click
The Poet
Show us your creativity with words!