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Kids At Home- Tips Made Simple

Updated: Mar 8, 2021

As a teacher, I spend most of the day with your children. I learn their likes, dislikes, and mannerisms. I see the good, the bad, and the ugly. One thing is for sure: THEY NEED A SCHEDULE :)

I know, I know. That’s her big advice? A schedule? What am I reading this for? But wait a minute and hear me out.

In school students have a set schedule. Starting from 3K all the way up to high school. The only difference is what the schedule entails.

For younger ones (3-5 age range) it should look something along the lines like this: For older ones 5 and up it's pretty much the same. Maybe just without the nap!

  1. Wake up

  2. Get washed up/dressed

  3. Breakfast

  4. Morning activities

  5. Gross Motor (MOVEMENT)

  6. Playtime

  7. Lunchtime

  8. Rest Time

  9. Interaction/ engaged time

  10. Snack time

This is a basic schedule that does not need extravagance.

Gross motor? Let’s play tag or ride our bikes or scooters outside. Too cold? Let’s build with household items or toys if available.

Morning activities? HA! Let’s have a conversation and let’s quickly read together!

Playtime! Easy! Educational games can be bought or made using paper and pencil. Some examples are:

  • Alphabet Bingo

  • Color and Shape Bingo

  • Slime Creation

  • Volcano Creation

  • Finger Painting

  • Reading Together

  • Building Blocks

  • Creating A Dramatic Play area (like the kitchen)

Interaction/ Engaged time? Play with them instead of just watching them!

Now I know some of yall are thinking about the most obvious issue. Time! ‘I have a job and I can’t be there all day! No problem!

Children have school anyways. But, on the days they don’t such as pandemic-related school closure or just the weekend. It’s never too late to start!

Be creative! I know we are ALL doing our best so here are some helpful tricks that’ll hopefully make your day, week, month, and the year just a bit easier.

*Same schedule, different activities* A whole lot of fun!!!


A Tip-Filled Teacher

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